Donna Perugini Children's Author

Your Grandparent’s Hand Print as Treasure


Grandparents Won’t Be With Us Forever!


Grandparents, your grandchildren may be depending on you to notice what is “special between you” and doing something about it!   


What About the Baking Times Together?

Continuing with the idea of baking with your grandchildren, have you thought about them desiring to own your recipes one day?  How about duplicating the set, so the child can use the second set as you teach them to bake?  Do you have an apron they love?  Make or buy one just like it for that grandchild.  Maybe it’s the tea time after baking and they love the tea pot or cups you use with them. 


Memory Makers With Grandparents


Are you sitting down with them and teaching them to knit or crochet?  You know those knitting needles you always use?  Can you get a second pair if your grandchild points out that they like yours?  I only bring up a second pair as there may be other grandchildren that are also in love with them as it’s their memory of you too.


Boxes of Grandparent’s Treasures

Sometimes you’re not able to get a second item, so you pick an age you know that grandchild will be able to take care of their desired treasure.  Tell the grandchild you’ll hold on to the treasure until they are old enough to have it.  Let family members know that this treasure is for that grandchild; put their name on it; have a box set up where you deposit treasures for each grandchild. 


Your Unique Hand Print in Clay


Put aside time to make your hand print in clay along with your grandchild’s hand print too.  What a treasure…Grandmother’s or Grandfather’s hand print to keep with them forever!  Read my instructions on how to do this in this posting.  Then learn how to make a reverse mold by just pressing clay into the completely fired hand print.  You won’t be disappointed and you’ll end up having more hand prints to share with all your grandchildren! 



If you find it difficult to talk with your grandparent about their item you call ‘treasure’, show them this blog posting.  It would help explain your feelings about your memories of the times you have spent with them.


Have you ever regretted not having the treasured item that you shared with your Grandmother?

Would you like to have touched their hand print one more time?  Leave your comment…we’d all love to hear about it!



4 Responses to “Your Grandparent’s Hand Print as Treasure”

  1. 1
    Donna Perugini says:

    I'll be getting my grandmother friends hand prints in clay soon! I really believe in this idea which could be a lot of fun at a gathering of women.

  2. 2
    Alicia says:

    This is such a great idea! I will have to do this with my boys and their grandmas. What a great memory of time shared together!

    Thanks for the email you sent me during the Summer Blog Tour and thanks for stopping by my blog (a little late-sorry!)

  3. 3
    Donna Perugini says:

    No problem, Alicia. Stop by anytime!

    Another thought about handprints; try putting your husband's handprint down first and then place your boy's handprint on top of it. Yes, one print covers the other, but it's so like children always wanting to know if their hand is as big as Dad's yet. You can do it twice for your second son too!


  1. Grieving the Loss of a Child During Christmas | Donna Perugini Children's Author

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