Donna Perugini Children's Author

It’s the Little Things That Mean the Most in a Church Volunteer’s Life



Prefer One Another!


An Open Word to Children’s Leaders About Your Volunteers:

Dear Leader,

You may find that you have the volunteers that you need and breath a sigh of relief when the pressure lifts.  There are a few things more that you need to consider. 

You’ve met your goal of ‘getting’ the volunteers, now how will you keep them involved, happy and stress free?  Just running a calendar by people and having them show up will not ‘a great program make’. 

It’s All About the Help

You will need to keep in touch with your peeps…your volunteers.  It’s not all about your happiness and how your program looks to your church.  It’s about being in a body of believers where the bible tells us to ‘prefer one another’.  Have you thought about how you can make the time your volunteers give a rewarding experience?  The volunteers are spirit, soul and body, just like you.  How will you address their needs in all these three areas

Volunteers Overworked and Missing Church Services?

Are you overworking them and keeping them out of church services all the time? Those church services keep them connected to the body of believers in your church.  Others in your body of believers are watching how long people in children’s ministry are disconnected from them. You won’t be able to replenish your volunteers if it looks like your volunteers never get a break. Make it mandatory that your volunteers get to services in the morning as well as the mid week services for their own sake.  You can’t police it, but you can highly recommend this along with private talks if they do not.  Some volunteers will purposely miss services feeling they deserve the break. 

Teach Your Volunteers What Jesus Says About Children

Have you given thought to a small teaching  for them as role models for the children…about how they are making a difference in many little lives each time they take their turn in the classroom? 

I’m not talking about a pat on the back, which can do a lot for their feeling accepted by you.  But I’m talking about a specific teaching from you showing them in detail how important the role they’re playing as a children’s minister is right now to the Body of Christ.  Can you show them in the Word of God what Jesus says about children?  This would be ministering to your volunteer’s spirit and soul.  Give a short teaching, along with treats (ministering to your volunteer’s body) for them at a planned time.  Some will make it and some will not.  For those that attend, it will be a real growth period for them. 

Give the Volunteer’s Body a Break!

That brings us to more about your volunteer’s  ‘body’.  How do you prefer them regarding their bodily needs?  Do you make an effort to visit each volunteer’s room and relieve them in case of their personal bathroom needs?  How about after they’re done for the day and flat out exhausted.  Do you make sure they have help to clean up even if it means you are the help?  One last thing about the body area…who brings them coffee or tea after the kids are dismissed?  I remember giving my all and one wish I had that was never fulfilled was for someone to bring me a cold ice tea, no sugar or lemon and a straw.  It would have been such a treat for me after doing a 2 hour program constantly talking with the kids.  Maybe even pick up a cookie for them or bake some kind of goodies you could share amongst the teachers after the lessons and church is dismissed.  It’s the little things!

We’ve lightly covered spirit, soul and body of the volunteer. How can you best attend to your volunteers needs on an every Sunday basis?  Ideas to share…please leave a comment!!

12 Responses to “It’s the Little Things That Mean the Most in a Church Volunteer’s Life”

  1. 1

    Yes and Amen Donna! I hope and pray that our new church, which ever one the Lord leads us to, will be a place led like you eloquently describe here.
    Just reading your words filled me with hope that we will find a home church that fulfills our needs as Christians.
    Thank you Donna for taking on this series, it has been a God-send to me personally.
    Linda Kinsman recently posted..4 Days To ZenMy Profile

  2. 2
    Becky says:

    Great post, Donna! Such wisdom in your words. 🙂 I’ll admit that some months, it seems like all I can do to put a workable schedule together. But, having been on both sides (a worker AND a leader), I know that all of these points are really important! Thank you!
    Becky recently posted..The Easiest Way to Make RiceMy Profile

  3. 3
    Bonnie. says:

    This is so good Donna and true It’s good to see someone who recognizes this as important part of the ministry.

    • 3.1

      A common tendency for a leader is to breathe a sigh of relief once they have the volunteers. A leaders biggest job will actually be caring for those volunteers.

      Nice to have you stop by my blog and leave a comment! Lunch again soon?

  4. 4
    Audra B says:

    Great post! It takes so long to recover from volunteer burnout. I was in a small church for 3 years where there were as many kids as adults. Talk about burnout! Nearly 4 years later and I still struggle with serving.
    Audra B recently posted..He Weeps for the LostMy Profile

  5. 5
    CK says:

    I’ve often thought that working with the children is one of the hardest callings at church! I feel like you have to entertain and serve and keep on your feet the entire time- its very exhausting! Thanks for the good reminders to honor our child-leader volunteers!
    CK recently posted..Valentine’s / "We’re expecting!" – Photo shootMy Profile

    • 5.1

      And since it is a challenging situation, leaders need to rotate the volunteers with weeks off inbetween. I loved the children and being with them, but everyone needs those scheduled breaks.

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