Donna Perugini Children's Author

A Story of Olympic Proportions Contained in 7 Words!

The Olympics are in full swing in our area.  If you love snowboarding, this will interest you for sure!

Sometimes we have these questions and we really ‘beat ourselves up’ as we compare our lives to what we think a Christian is supposed to be like or sound like.  Do you feel that you’re not an example of God’s love to others?  Are you wondering if as you are living your life you reflect Him? 

I’d like to share a video that blew the ‘comparison’ theory out the window.  Just one sentence directed toward someone else that was overheard by another showed God’s love and reflected Him to an observer.  One sentence…7 words

Watch the video and see how those 7 words were weighed by the observer, and brought them to a place of  ‘choice’. 

Were you surprised how something was said one way, but taken by someone in ‘ear shot’ another way?  Or were you surprised at how Kelly Clark, Olympic Gold Medalist Snowboarding, took initiative on what she overheard?


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