Donna Perugini Children's Author

“They Can’t Hold a Candle to You” what’s it mean?


Photo by blmurch flickr

“They can’t hold a candle to you!” 

Have you heard that expression?  Common in the 16th century and later for servants holding candles to guide a master along the poorly lit streets of English cities.  I’d never heard of a servant lighting the way for their master like this.  I figure if you’re wealthy enough for a servant, then why aren’t you in a buggy with candles in it’s light holders?

“Theaters also employed candle-holders called link-boys in the days before gas lighting.  These were among the most menial of jobs, but some poor lads failed at them for not knowing the roads or the layout of a theater, and they were said to be ‘not worthy to hold a candle to anyone’.  This expression soon came to be used in the sense of comparing the aiblities of two peple, ‘he can’t hold a candle to you’, meaning “he’s greatly inferior to you.”  taken from The Henry Holt Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendricks.


What do you think?  Have you heard the term used? Love to read your comments…leave them after the beep……BEEP! 

7 Responses to ““They Can’t Hold a Candle to You” what’s it mean?”

  1. 1
    CK says:

    I’ve never heard that expression before but it makes sense, I guess. You are always have such great trivia on here, haha!

  2. 2

    It probably was used more in the 60’s. I believe I heard it a lot in the old movies from the 50’s.

    Good to see you around, CK!
    DonnaPerugini recently posted..“They Can’t Hold a Candle to You” what’s it mean?My Profile

  3. 3
    Audra says:

    I’ve always wondered! How interesting!
    Audra recently posted..Dayspring Lightbox Review and GiveawayMy Profile

  4. 4

    Thanks so much for this explanation. I use the expression but did not know from where it came. 🙂 Wishing you all the best!
    Brook (Matt5vse6) recently posted..The Weekend in PicturesMy Profile

  5. 5

    Hi Donna! Used this expression & thought, oh wait, I better look it up & make sure I was using it correctly. Lo & behold! You popped up. Hope all is well! 🙂

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