Donna Perugini Children's Author

Children’s Ministry Worker Wants Parents to Help



Children’s Ministry Worker Talks About the Drop and Run Parents in Her Church


At my church I’m a children’s ministry worker. The drop and run parents are enjoying the service but not contributing . Church is to bring the body together for worship and to serve The Lord in some way with our gifts, not for an opportunity for free baby sitting. The 80 must believe the 20 are there for them to get a break. If you need a break call your mother or A friend If you are being blessed week after week after week by a ministry it is only right that you contribute to that ministry if you are able.


Dear Children’s Ministry Worker,

First, thanks for taking the time to comment..I appreciate that!

I know how being a children’s ministry worker and leader goes as I was doing that for over 30 years. As the leader, if someone was not there for their commitment I took their place. You can get run into the ground easily. If you are the leader, you can have more leeway than the children’s ministry workers. Yes, your voice can still be heard if the leader is listening. Often they are as overwhelmed at the workers.

How Do We Get Parents to Help as Children’s Ministry Workers?

Can I ask, who does the leader of the children’s ministry workers report their concerns to and have interaction with? The workers need to be able to talk with the leader. The leader should be conversing with their supervisor…be it another church member or the Pastor. Depends on the size of your church. What you are voicing here should be brought to your leader. Often times Christians thinks it is wrong to make your complaints and needs known to the leaders/Pastor. You should be able to let them know how you feel and what kinds of actions you think would be a positive way to bring it to the church body’s attention. Some parents are oblivious to the fact that you are NOT a free sitting service, but it is a collective effort by all members to help the church operate. I know moms want a break…need a break. But if everyone was on a rotation that used the children’s ministry, then it would benefit everyone instead of just the few. There’s an old European saying, “Many hands make light work.” Some of that feeling of light work is due to the fact that you get to know the people you’re working with and begin to feel a part of the Body of Christ. Many friendships develop as parents participate in spiritually educating their children with the other believers, not APART from the other believers. We are all to be servants to each other…sometimes you just need to show the non-participants how. It also helps when the Pastor begins to teach everyone about serving each other. In other words, it starts from the head of your church down.

Are You Feeling Used and Angry as a Children’s Ministry Worker?

Be sure to get yourself some down time so you are in the church services with the other moms and dads. I know it feels and looks like everything will fall apart if we don’t show up and do the work. But even Jesus took time to get away from the crowds and His own disciples to rest and recharge. Pastors fall into the same situations wondering when they will get a break. You have to plan a break and then make yourself take it. The blessings of taking a break are ‘fresh material’, ‘new insights’ and more ‘energy’. I know of people who have left a church because they could never take a break as a children’s ministry worker. Talk with your leader, come up with ideas for the leader to gain new parents for help and then take a break. If you don’t have anyone stepping in to help, leave the children’s ministry for a longer period. Let the people see that you are stepping back and watch…someone will step in or it will be closed down until someone picks it up again. Sometimes by being too available the parents don’t think about their role as a servant too. Your church belongs to God. He started it and He will supply the needs through the people there. If the people refuse to be part of ‘supplying the needs’ of their body, then the Pastor needs to teach them in this area. If you’re feeling ‘used’ and ‘angry’, you’re overdue for talking with your leaders/Pastor and/or taking a break.

Children’s Ministry Workers Need a Counselor and Teacher

Remember to talk with the Holy Spirit about all this. The Word of God tells us that He’s your Counselor and your Teacher. How could you go wrong with that help?

What’s your experience been with parents who don’t participate in the children’s ministry?  Leave your comments and share this post with your friends, family and church by clicking an icon below this post.  If you don’t see the icons  in your email, go to the blog site.


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