Donna Perugini Children's Author

Just Don’t Quit

Famous Amos

Just Don’t Quit!

LaTonya King

Just Don’t Quit!

Just Don’t Quit! Don’t Give Up!

I’ve watched Famous Amos (Wally Amos) rise, sell his cookies and do very well! He sold his first company and started up a new online company. In an article he wrote in Costco’s Connection January 2015 magazine, he says “If you keep going you will not live a life of regret, saying, “if only” or “I wish I had.” Life is about constantly making positive decisions here and now, in the present.

Wally Amos talks about this last year being one setback after another during the launch of his new cookie company, The Cookie Kahuna. He talked about climbing a hill, almost reaching the top and sliding back down. Did he ever consider quitting? He said he needed to find the courage and fortitude to keep going and succeed. He boldly spoke of God in his prayer time with it feeling like a plea…Don’t Quit!

LaTonya King Kept Going

LaTonya lived just around the corner from her Great Aunt Sadie as she was growing up. She remembers at age two standing at a little metal kitchenette pretending she had her own cooking show. Her family would walk by her kitchenette with her begging them to just give her cooking a taste. Pretend has a way of becoming a dream, a vision grabbed on to by risk takers.  Her road to fulfilling her dream was also filled with life’s pot holes.

LaTonya loved that Aunt Sadie always had baked goods in her house to put out for company and draw them to sit around the table encouraging fellowship. Aunt Sadie had the best recipes and LaTonya put them to use. Her first idea was sell through gas stations. She did the foundation work of health certificate and an insurance license. Then she learned the other side of food by buying food for prisons while working in the food service business. She came to understand that there are companies that put together cake mixes and obeyed her mother’s idea to call the cocoa company to put together her cake mix. Three to four samples were then sent to her after one month.

Don’t Let Trouble and Disappointment Swallow You Up!

She had the help of family, Aunt Sadie, her mother and God. Because situations arose in her family, she took time to put family first. Her family trouble felt insurmountable but she didn’t give up her dream. Prayer and time began to work in her behalf. LaTonya believed God told her to get back into it again and get outside help. She turned once again to her research and leads. A food photographer for the picture on her cake box was needed and the leading kept coming for two weeks for her to seek them out in Chicago.  She knew to go to the first five out of the top ten she found. God had reminded her of her modeling days and how to find legit photographers. She was then led to pick the first sample picture of the individual companies that popped out at her and call to make the appointement. She also needed a graphics designer and ended up with the creator of the lightning bolt on Gatorade.

King Preferred

She Did’t Quit!

The name for her product was changed to King Preferred and she went to a mentoring center in her city development center to help her start up. Finally, a public relations firm snagged her a TV interview.

What Did Famous Amos and King Preferred Have in Common?

Both Wally Amos and LaTonya King put their trust in God and no matter what was thrown at them, they didn’t quit! That dream in your heart needs the ‘don’t quit’ attitude. Maybe you’ve written a book, sent it out to publishers and have been rejected…endlessly. Or did you have a blog that wasn’t drawing the followers you wanted to reach…and you took a long break from blogging? No matter what you call your dream, just don’t quit when life happens. You were able to take the risk, now follow through to completion. There is a ‘motherload’ of fullfillment waiting for you.

Do you have a dream that you’re holding on to? We’d love to know what you’ve done to keep going! Leave your comments!  


3 Responses to “Just Don’t Quit”

  1. 1

    I have known LaTonya since she was a little girl in Church. So proud of her achievements. She never gave up. So proud of you LaTonya, you go for all that God has for you!

    • 1.1

      I know you know something about not quitting! When Angel went on to be with the Lord, you could have thrown in the towel for doing any ministry again. But you heard from God and went out to the nations all over the world.

      Now you’ll be leaving once again for 4 months in Ethiopia to teach the nationals and students from other countries to carry on the message to their people! You’ve been going for all God has for you and will until you step over into that heavenly realm. Not too soon on that though…the nations still need to hear from you! 😉
      Donna Perugini recently posted..Just Don’t QuitMy Profile

  2. 2

    LaTonya, so proud of you for staying strong to the dream in your heart. M ay you be blessed & receive all that the Lord has for you.
    Love you,
    Pastor Dave & Jeaneen

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