Donna Perugini Children's Author

Hoard and Hide..the Two Evil Twins

Ever been through unemployment?  Has your husband had a job loss? 

There are two evil twins that want to crawl into bed with you as you pull up the covers of depression over your head.  Hoard and Hide thrive during a job loss unless you know how to spot them. 

Hoard tugs at the blankets whispering about holding back in any form of giving.   The neighbor you used to help will have to get someone else to help with their shopping.  You need to ration your gas now.  Our thoughts circle around, “Surely God will understand as we are in a job loss situationI need to pull back on everything and protect our family” and then giving…anything… to your church ends.

You may have just come out of unemployment, but Hoard wants to encourage you to have a secret stash of any money you come across (not a savings account..more like a back of the sock drawer account that you alone know about), because money might not be there again in the future. 

“Well, what’s wrong with saving?” 

It’s not the saving, it’s the condition of your heart.  It’s your trust is in your ability to hoard all the money you can“Trust in the Lord with all of your might.  Lean not to your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Even when finances are coming in, some people are still living with Hoard, keeping everything  just in case.  “What if  I need it if unemployment comes again.”  You can see how the evil twin, Hoard wants to take up permanent residence in your thoughts.

The Other Evil Twin, Hide

Hoards twin, Hide, is pulling on those bed covers affirming your embarrassment.  “My husband is unemployed and we look like losers” and “He’s been unemployed so many times, I can’t tell anyone it happened again.”  Hide loves to spend the time with you that would have been spent with your friends.  It overwhelms you with that desire to stay at home, and stay in bed and pull down the shades.  Hide has you screening calls before answering the phone.  It has always loved to wear a special cloak of shame and offers to cover you with that cloak too. 

What Can You Do About Those Evil Twins?

Both evil twins are no match for the Word of God.  According to what the Word of God says, you are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and all names that are named have been put under Jesus’ feet.  Therefore those two evil twins named Hoard and Hide are under your feet too.  I’ve lived through my husband being unemployed more than once.  The fear that strikes at you is instantaneous but can be overcome and keep you steady with your response.  Are you going to hide under the covers with Hoard and Hide or will you stand up and speak God’s Word about your situation?  Determine what your position in Christ is now and you’ll overcome any bad report

 And when you are employed again,

don’t give in to those thoughts that Hoard would bring….what about my future, our finances?  Jesus has something to say about that: 


“Therefore, do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear?  For the Gentiles(heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.  But seek aim at and strive after first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.  So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.”  Matthew 6:31-34 Amplified Bible

Have you experienced job loss?  How did you handle your feelings? Please leave your useful comments for those who need your support during a job loss!  Click the LIKE button below to share with your Facebook friends.

2 Responses to “Hoard and Hide..the Two Evil Twins”

  1. 1
    Becky says:

    Ah…yes. I’ve been there! The enemy likes to make us feel embarrassed, doesn’t he? I don’t think I’ve had too much trouble with the “hoard” part of this, but definitely the “hide”. You just feel ashamed, like you’re the only one who has dealt with this kind of situation. It’s very easy to go into defense mode too, because you think that other people think that your husband isn’t being “a good provider”. The Bible says repeatedly to not fear, and there is so much that we can fear in a situation like this. The fear of man, the fear of loss, etc. Most of the time, the fear is worse than actually living through the “what if” situation.

    I always found it helpful to go immediately to the Word to get God’s perspective. The Psalms are very helpful, one in particular that comes to mind is Psalm 37. I just love that one! It always gives me such peace. 🙂
    Becky recently posted..Breastfeeding the First Time Around: Hospital IssuesMy Profile

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