Donna Perugini Children's Author

Orville Wright Caterpillar and The Dream In Your Heart



Author Donna Perugini Discusses Her Motivation


I waited about 20 years to move forward on this book by putting it out again for the children of this generation.  I kept waiting on and wanting ‘someone else’ to re-issue the books.  First I’d say I was waiting on God (sounded spiritual), then I’d try and get the publisher to take another look at it for re-issue.  I seemed to be blocked on both accounts.  I even tried to give up the whole idea of re-issuing the books.  Financially it was a huge undertaking at the beginning of those 20 years.


Made The Decision To ‘Step Up’

While listening to a teaching series last August 2009 about following the dream in your heart, it dawned on me that all I needed to do was say ‘yes’ to putting that book out again.  I had wanted someone else to ‘step up’ until I made the decision to ‘step up’ and do whatever I was led to do.  Within 30 seconds of that commitment, I received a phone call.  I kid you not!  It was the publisher’s rep from the place I worked with previously that had reprinted Don’t Hug A Grudge in 2006, asking if I would ever want to put my other books again.


Learning About Social Networking


After that so many things began to fall into place.  It was like having a job.  It was having a job!  I began a blog, started a Twitter account, I’d already been in Facebook, but then I had to get a Facebook Fan Page for Donna Perugini Books.  I started a LinkedIn account and all at the same time I’m learning about social networking, how to do everything I had just started to do!  I felt like I was growing new neural pathways that had never existed previously in my brain.  Sometimes my brain would hurt after long sessions of learning, networking, blog posting…yikes!


A Book Trailer Pulled From A Video


Eventually I came across the idea of  ‘book trailers’.  A book trailer is similar to a movie trailer; something that gives you a peek inside and helps you decide to see the movie or buy the book.  For years I had envisioned my book, The Flight of Orville Wright Caterpillar animated.  I take my requests to God, so there I was asking and waiting.  While I waited, I kept on getting impressions about the video I’d received from the producer of a children’s television program (Kids Like You) from the 1990’s.  The producer of the show had read all four of my children’s books on her program using television equipment to pan across the books (with permission from the publisher back in the early 90s) and I had the copy.  I went looking for the tape and there was the birth of another idea!  Use the front portion of the story up to a point for a book trailer.  I took it to professionals in town and they put it together for me. 


Do You See God Working Here?


During the time the books were not in print any longer,  I took pottery classes which I use now to make cookie jars with the characters on them, plates, cups, children’s tea sets, little jewelry pins, etc.  Everything I’ve been doing has all worked together to bring ‘the dream in my heart’ to this point.

I’d always wanted to hear the books put to music.  Some catchy kid’s songs would be wonderful to get the idea across to them, so I waited and asked different people along the way.  Just one month ago, I asked our worship leader at church if he would read the book and if a song came to him out of it I’d be ever so grateful.  He was game!  The next Sunday there he was with the words on paper and the tune in his heart.  He played it for me and my husband on his guitar after church.  He told us that God gave him the words and tune in five minutes!  Astonishing but something I’ve been getting used to happening.  Some would call it luck, some fate, but I call it the Love of the Father God for me. 

Today in church our Pastor must have used the phrase ‘the dream in your heart’ about twenty times.  I couldn’t stand it, got out of my chair and walked quietly to the worship leader a short distance also listening seated behind me.  “Duane, this sounds like a really good time at the end of the service for you to sing your song about Orville.  No pressure, but I’m jumping up and down on the inside.”  

At the end, Duane was looking for the song (Pastor was still talking while other musicians just strummed their guitars).  Then Duane went to the copier in the next room, gave them around to his group on stage and the Pastor said, “Okay, Duane, what do you have for us?”  It was a thrill to hear the song sung by everyone in the church (words were also up on a screen).  No one had ever heard it before except myself, Duane, my husband and the sound board operator when we’d recorded it two weeks ago at church.  I’ll be visiting the professionals in town again to set up the song for everyone to hear.  You’re going to love it!

Walking with God is always an adventure. What more can happen?  I’m excited to find out!   I’m not always so tuned in, but what a ride when I am!  Like Orville in the book, “God has put a dream in my heart…and I want to fly…I want to soar!”

Have an author story?  Leave your comments here!


8 Responses to “Orville Wright Caterpillar and The Dream In Your Heart”

  1. 1
    windblown1 says:

    Hi Donna,
    I just loved reading your story about getting the books back in circulation. You are amazing and i know where Orville gets all his determination and tenacity!! HAHA
    You bless so many people and I can't wait to hear the songs.

  2. 2
    Donna Perugini says:

    The songs are being put into two different formats right now. They'll be available soon!

    Thank you for your comment that so built me up! 🙂

  3. 3
    Carrie K says:

    I love this story!

  4. 4
    Carrie K says:

    Thank you for sharing

  5. 5
    Donna says:

    Thanks for your comments!

  6. 6
    Carol Baldwin says:

    Encouraging story–how you waited 20 years but the book came out after all. I have a few stories like that…maybe I'll have to dig them out again! And I really could resonate with all of the social networking you are doing. I drew the line on Twitter though. That's just one more thing that takes me away from writing- and I have too many as it is!

  7. 7
    Donna Perugini says:

    Thanks for stopping by, Carol. Stay inspired…but the books were first published from 1983 to 1987 and I'm re-issuing them. Still, dig out those old stories and give them a once over.
    The social networking…that's a whole other subject! I'm better on FB, not so much on Twitter.
    Have you put your book on Bookbuzzr to be a sample read for people? They have a terrific set up where you can put the book widget on your blog and FB. People can also grab it to put on their sites (like a loving husband or relatives on FB) and Bookbuzzr (also known as fReado) sends out tweets for you when you reach bench marks you set for how many people have read your sample pages. You start off with Bookbuzzr and then it goes to fReado.


  1. “A Life of Luck, Charm, Karma, Fate, or…” « Donna Perugini Children's Author

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