Donna Perugini Children's Author

200 Million! Flickr’s Creative Commons FREE Use Photos Just Released

Plant an Idea

Poppy Thomas-Hill www.flickr.com/photos/pinkpoppyimages/


Need photos for your blog

your website…your e-book cover?  This one just in from Flickr thanks to Steve Harrison of Reporter Connection:

Need photos for book covers, blogs or other marketing ventures? Flickr, the image sharing website, has just released 200 million Creative Commons licensed photos for public usage. Find your way to Flickr by going here to register for a free account. Then go to Flickr’s advanced search and check all three boxes next to the Creative Commons logo. Use keywords to search the image library. Be sure to read Flickr’s usage rules and give proper attribution to the artists who created photos that you use. My thanks to Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, for telling me about this resource.


Yeh, even he thanks Tim Ferriss who he got the info from.  Thanks, Tim!  We appreciate your spreading the love!

The opening photo is one of those great free photos with a special request from the photographer:

Planting an Idea

My name is Poppy Thomas-Hill (pen name). I am a professional stock photographer and artist. All of my my creative commons licensed images are available for free. My images can be used on websites, in magazines, book covers, class projects, powerpoint presentations, publications, media, news, editorial use, product packaging, print, and more.

In exchange for the free use of my images, I require photo copyright credits be given to me as “Poppy Thomas-Hill”. A link back to my Flickr photos is always appreciated, but not required.

Please be kind when using my images. If you think the usage may be questionable, you’re probably right. If it wouldn’t make your grandmother happy, don’t do it. Karma always comes back around, good and bad. Please respect my work.

That’s all you need to do..respect the photographer by giving them credit.  Don’t just lift the photo from other blogs…give the photographer credit on your blog and give your readers a link to their photos on Flickr.  I haven’t always done this. Chalk it up to being a ‘beginning blogger’.  Hope this request from Poppy opens your eyes.  Poppy Thomas-Hill believes in Karma…I believe in, “What you sow is what you will reap.”  Thanks, Poppy!  I appreciate your sharing!


5 Responses to “200 Million! Flickr’s Creative Commons FREE Use Photos Just Released”

  1. 1

    Hi Donna, thanks so much for sharing this. I will go check out Flickr!
    I am always looking for just the right photo to go with a blog post and sometimes those free sites, aren’t really free ( or there are way to many hoops to jump through):-)
    I try to give credit on the photos I use now, but in the early days of my blogging, I had no idea I was supposed to because they were listed as ” free”. We live, we learn. 🙂
    Blessings to you.

    • 1.1

      There is a comment floating around out there that I made as a beginner on a ‘widely publicized’ site. The posting was about people illegally using photos and there I was replying how I was finding photos so easily on Google…and after all, they were free to the public. No one replied to my comment. It was like I was the ‘poster child’ for photo thieves! I can laugh now, but that comment is out there forever to be seen…I broke two blogging commandments at once: Thou shalt not steal anothers photos and Thou shalt not leave comments that are so incriminating.
      DonnaPerugini recently posted..200 Million! Flickr’s Creative Commons FREE Use Photos Just ReleasedMy Profile

  2. 2
    CK says:

    Thank you for the heads up! What a great resource! And PS YES, it is SO important to link a source- I agree! One of the most important things to learn as a blogger!

    • 2.1

      Hi, CK,
      The photo that’s in the posting is from that new batch at Flickr. I’m not sure what took place, but it looks like a community effort on Flicker’s part to open up the photos to Creative Commons use.

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