Donna Perugini Children's Author

Facebook Quizzes and What They Mean to Your Privacy



Fun Facebook Quizzes are Everywhere! 

Have you taken one of the many quizzes on Facebook to discover ‘something’ about yourself?  Yes, they’re coming up in a huge variety. Which Star Wars character are you?  Which color describes intimate details about you? You get the idea. Here’s a quote from an article by  for Money Talk News: 

Summer Anne Burton, managing editorial director at BuzzFeed, told Marketplace.org:

We’ve been making quizzes for a long time, but we’ve recently seen them take off. Now that we’ve sold some companies on the idea of quizzes … we’re now looking at how to use the things that we’ve learned for companies’ benefit. So they can have their own shareable pieces of content that go viral and that are really associated with their brand.  Read more at http://www.moneytalksnews.com/2014/03/31/if-you-were-a-________-youd-be-________/#XtJK4OQXJwY4tlvJ.99

Facebook Quizzes and What They Mean to Your Privacy

Looks like fun, but you are providing your personal info every time you take one of these quizzes? I came across one quiz that asked for ALL my info beyond email and clicked off at that point. Taking these quizzes also invites friends to have marketers sell their info. What a gold mine of info for the those putting out the quizzes. 

You might think that all your info is online anyway, but go to the privacy policies of the websites you frequent. They’re usually found somewhere on the “About Us” page. Find out what you’re allowing them to  mine and use  about you to sell to many who want to market their goods to you….for a very long time.


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