Donna Perugini Children's Author

Women’s Group Climbs Mt. Everest! Shocking Results!

Do you hear about people climbing Mt. Everest and wonder why they’re doing it? All the discomfort and agonizing effort and for what? Or does it ‘burn within you’ to go forth and conquer giving you such exhilaration! Are you the guide who helps climb the mountain or are you the climber? “As far as I know, no one climbs a mountain by themselves. Everyone needs someone to ‘climb’ with them, helping you to reach the top.

There have been many before you that conquered the very ‘mountain’ that looks impossible to you now. There are ‘guides’ placed in our lives by God that you need, but you will never get that help you need to climb unless you participate! And you Guides will feel useless unless you’re helping others to reach their goals….something you love to do, right?


You can apply this to your marketing online, blogging, being a stay at home mom, or a Christian woman living an everyday life. No one need live their life alone! Single or married, as a Christian you have the Body of Christ to lift you up and help you to the top of that mountain you are stepping up to conquer. Our lives as Christians are never meant to be lived alone, away from other Christians, hiding on a ‘one-person’ island.

Come out, connect or reconnect and live life to the fullest! Be a ‘guide’; be a ‘climber’ or be both! In other words, be a participator. There’s room for everyone to be knit together in His love, serving each other in meaningful ways. Make a lunch date with a friend/mentor, go to a conference, join a writing group, get a friend to walk with you. Attend that Ladies’ Bible Study, preschool mom’s group, or whatever group it is that supports and helps you up that ‘mountain’ to your desired end.

What would it take to get you to reach out and participate? Are you a guide or climber, or do you see yourself as both at times?

3 Responses to “Women’s Group Climbs Mt. Everest! Shocking Results!”

  1. 1
    marion says:

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  2. 2

    The title of your blog “Women’s Group Climb Mt. Everest! Shocking Results!” really catches my eyes! Mainstay Ministries And I found myself reading from one word to another until the last word of your blog. As a christian, those words really need to ponder on.

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