Donna Perugini Children's Author

Things We Believe for Too Long



The winner of the Book Giveaway is Amanda Campbell! Congrats, Amanda!

First Daughters and Princesses

Were you a first daughter, the princess-one-and-only-perfect-beauty? I was born ‘into royalty’ like that until my mother gave birth to my sister. She had the ‘curly’ hair, the rounded cheeks, the sassy personality and all of my parent’s attention. My throne was eroded during the ‘cute’ stage where she won everyone’s attention…which was ‘from her birth ‘. At this point I believed that she had done me harm. As I grew up with that unchecked attitude, she became my annoying little sister who was filthy piggy in the shared bedroom, clothing robber and all around pain. My lense I saw her through was warped, but to me I could truly see ‘who she was’ just fine!
It wasn’t until much later in life that I began to open myself up to her. We talked about many things, but a few really stood out. SHE was jealous of me because I was the big sister. She believed I had many more priveleges than her, one being I got to dye my hair! There she was, the beautiful curly haired girl and she was jealous of my straight hair that was dyed blonde. My first boyfriend was her first desire too! (We both thought he looked like a young Clint Eastwood).

She said what? Unbelieveable!

Unbelievable…how did opening up with her change the lenses I saw her through? Open-communication opened our eyes to the truth. I was jealous of her and she was jealous of me. We spent a whole childhood being jealous of each other. We both wanted what the other had. We lost times of sharing, loving, bonding.

What’s my point?

How often do we waste valuable time on this earth thinking someone is ‘not on our side’ therefore, not worth letting into our ‘circle’. Do you have time to waste believing you have the only way of thinking that is the right way? I call this ‘speculative imaginations’. You’ve really only speculated on who they are and you imagine the worst to confirm your being right. Once you tear down the walls you’ve built of jealousy, hurt, anger, etc. you find there’s just another person on the other side of the wall. They have hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes just like you.

Been There…Done That!

Take it from a ‘been there…done that’, take off the warped lenses and look for the best. Quit wasting time…enjoy the people around you! Love your family now, while they’re with you…no regrets!

What do you think? Are they worth ‘letting into your life’? What do you gain by keeping ‘the old lenses’ on? Leave a comment (listed at the end of the blog). Love to hear from you!


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