Donna Perugini Children's Author

Read to Them..Please?



There are so many ways to entertain children without being involved.  Park them in front of the television, hand them the gaming devices, turn on the Wii, put in the earphones for i-Pod, check out YouTube, get on Facebook.  Not that I’m trying to give ideas for your having ‘free time’ from your children, but look what reading one book could take the place of.  


But it’s Just a Book!

Opening a book with your child (or grandchild) is like transporting to another world.  You’re stretching their imaginations, (besides helping them succeed in reading, word recognition, spelling, reading comprehension, etc.)  You’re giving them a ‘desire’ for a lifeskill.  There are so many children growing up without a love for books and some are even unable to read as they graduate from grade to grade.  They’ve been taught by example or lack thereof, that books are ‘required reading’, boring, and unnecessary time-wasters.  Movies are fine, but books are spectacular!  Even if you were to pass out 3-D glasses with the movie, there is nothing that can touch your imagination like reading. 

Make It Personal


Are your children getting in personal time with you?  If you aren’t reading together, you’re missing a great way to develop your relationship.  You can ask all kinds of questions related to the book while you’re reading with them.  The things you find out that are parked in their minds!  Why would you want to miss out on this?

If your family is bilingual, read it in both languages.  What a treasure to pass on to generations to come! 
 Act out the books if you’re reading the same one for the tenth time.  I have authored a book, “Don’t Hug a Grudge’ that shows the development of a grudge to resentment to bitterness.  This would be a great tool to teach from while carrying one of the children on your back to mimic the storyline.  Children learn at so many different levels and participation is one of them.  Ramp up your style of reading with a spray bottle that goes with Don’t Hug a Grudge and ‘wash their minds’ with the ‘water of the Word’.  That will start a screaming-fun-run-around!    

Keep Lower Key Books for Bedtime

When it is bedtime, put some music on in the background that goes with the feeling of the book.  Sit down together, snuggle them in and begin a story. If you’re reading the same story over and over, realize that your children are comforted by knowing their old friends in the books are still there..stable…and predictable.  It’s a safe place when you’re little.  It’s a comforting place when you’ve grown older and are reading them to your own children or grandchildren. 


Books That Teach Them What YOU Believe is Important

There’s wisdom in Christian children’s books.  Choose books that help develop positive character traits.  Encourage love of learning…love of reading.  I know from emails I’ve received that books I’ve authored have made a difference in children’s lives, enough so that they find me and request books for their children.  (My books will be ready very soon.  Keep checking back for dates and book reviews! Or subscribe by email on this site while you’re here…back towards the top, right side.)  What they are reading now becomes a part of them for tomorrow.  You’re raising the next generation of great leaders!   Read to them….. please? 

Do you have a favorite recurring story?  How do you read it to them? 

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