Donna Perugini Children's Author

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

 “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

  Is there ever a good reason to re-work something if it ‘seems’ to be working?  Let me give you a brief story that may help you decide. 

Mother was in the kitchen getting the pot roast ready as Jackie, her daugher, stood there watching.   Mother did the same thing she always did before putting the roast in the pan…she cut off each end of the uncooked roast.  Jackie had watched her mom do this same routine for as long as she could remember.  Today was different, Jackie was curious about why..why did mom cut off the ends of the pot roast?  She asked her mother, and mother answered, “Your Grandmother always did that”, but Mother didn’t know why.  

So Mother called grandmother and asked,  “Why did you always cut the ends off the pot roast.  It looked like perfectly good roast on each end, so why cut if off?”  Three generations of women doing the same thing.  Even Grandmother had no real answer, but she said she’d ask Great-Grandmother, the only one left who might know.

When Great-Grandmother was asked, her response was perfectly logical.  “I cut the ends off of the pot roast so it would fit in the pan, dear.”

With a little thought given to this story, you will have figured out that Great-Grandmother had a certain sized pan thereby determining the size of the pot roast.

Even though the pot roast came out tasting great every time, it could have been great tasting AND larger.  Be open to new ideas, new thoughts and change.  There’s always a good reason to ‘have another look’ at something, even if it does still work!  

Have you been doing something for some reason you can’t explain?  Have you thought about why and changed it?  Please let us know…you may be helping someone else!  Leave a comment 


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