Donna Perugini Children's Author

The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To….


I’ve been awarded


the Versatile Blogger Award by Nan

Nan is a loving wife to David Bennett and mother to Lebua (age 3) in Thailand..Nan’s blog is My Baby and I-I 

The rules are as follows: 

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2. Share seven things about yourself.

3. Pass this award along to five bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!

4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

Thank you, Nan!  I’ve been following Nan for a while now.  I love reading about her culture, daughter who eats bugs and husband who she loves very much.  Nan has had quite a few accidents in traffic where she lives.  I keep her in my prayers 🙂

Seven things about me;

1)   I’m wife to an east coast Italian (lots of hand waving with a loud voice), mom to three, grandmother to four fabulous grandchildren.

2)   I have authored four Christian children’s books being re-issued this summer.  (Go to my blog with free coloring pages for downloading). Book purchases can be made by clicking here

3)   I’m also a potter/sculptor and you can see my ceramics at http://www.donnakperugini.com/.

4)   I’ll be having giveaways when the books are ready that will include ceramic character pins, hand thrown and painted children’s dishes, and my books.

5)   We live in the Pacific NW near the Canadian border. I’m surrounded by forest, mountains and 20 minutes to the ocean.

6)   I’m in Women’s Ministry and use my pottery wheel while throwing pots on it to teach about God’s interest (as the Potter) in us, the clay. 

7)   I’m like every blogger I know…we all love to get comments on our blog postings!

Now to pass on the award………….

           Carrie Kimmel and her sister Becka  at http://www.madebybedtimetales/

           Michelle Breum at http://beginningreadinghelp.blogspot.com/

           Angie Vinez at http://www.5vinezmonkeys.com/

           Jennifer McKinney at http://mycharmingkids.net/
           Red at http://theredheadriter.blogspot.com/

Thank you to all my blogging friends.  Some of those picked may have received previous awards, but know that this award….this time… is from someone who believes in you!



3 Responses to “The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To….”

  1. 1
    Donna Perugini says:

    Congratulations to the selected bloggers! You are inspiring people all over the world….

  2. 2
    Carrie K says:

    Yay! Thanks Donna! I am so happy to accept the award!

  3. 3
    Donna Perugini says:

    You're welcome, Carrie! Your Little Pink Whale story posting on this blog shows what a versatile blogger you really are! I even took your button and put it on my site..Made By Bedtime Tales.

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