Donna Perugini Children's Author

Help. I’m Stuck At Home


“Help!  I’m Stuck At Home and I Can’t Get Up Out!”


Have you been feeling like you’re stuck at home with no adult conversation?  Everyday it’s the same and you really want to have some time as a ‘big person’.  Have you heard about MOPS?

Maybe no one has started one in your church or community.  There is hope and you can be part of the solution.  From their website they describe themselves as: 

MOPS stands for “mothers of preschoolers” – but don’t let that confuse you! MOPS is about meeting the needs of moms – urban, suburban, rural, stay-at-home, working, teen, adoptive, special-needs, single and married moms and is for every mom, from conception through kindergarten.

One young mother is quoted as saying, “What MOPS has provided for me is a welcome break; a chance to make new friends; the opportunity to know I’m not the only mom who goes through the struggles and joys of raising young children!”


 The MOPS Story

Cover of MomSense Magazine July 2010

You can read about the original MOPS story here. There’s also a link to their newsletter, MomSense, just sign up! 

Here’s your page to register and an explanation of the benefits you will receive when you join in a community near you.  Can’t find a place to join? 

You can start a MOPS chapter in your church:

It’s easy to get started!
  1. Meet with your pastor and share your vision for starting a MOPS group!
  2. Recruit 1-2 other moms to begin forming your Steering Team.
  3. Complete the Charter Agreement and fax or mail it to MOPS International with the chartering fee.
What I’m trying to tell you is, you’re not alone…no need to be alone!  Come out, come out, wherever you are..I can almost hear Glenda singing this tune to the Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz. 


Watch the video and really give it some thought.  Leave your ‘intelligent thoughts’ on this posting. 




12 Responses to “Help. I’m Stuck At Home”

  1. 1
    Donna Perugini says:

    MOPs is a great place to meet women with like situations. Friendships are built and children meet new friends.

    Look for a MOPs in your area by going to the links in the posting.

  2. 2
    Rachel says:

    What a great idea. We have something similar in our church called Playdate Eights. Mothers definitely need community – it takes a village to raise a child!

  3. 3
    Becky says:

    That's something I've been considering for a while. Our church doesn't have a group and the nearest one is really out of the way for me. It may be time to start one at our church, since we're in the midst of a small "baby-boom" in our church right now. 🙂 Thanks for the idea!

  4. 4
    Donna Perugini says:

    I've always thought MOPs was a great idea. Check out their charter and fees; then hopefully your church will see the value in it. One thing you might mention is how it tends to bring people in to the church through friendships in MOPs.

    Be sure to come to the Giveaway going on now! It ends Friday the 19th. Keep coming back and more of my children's books and ceramics will be going to winners up to two weeks before Christmas.

  5. 5
    Audra says:

    I LOVE my MOPS group! I could go on and on (and have on my blog) about how wonderful it is. MOPS was a lifesaver after a cross country move while 7 months pregnant with Buggy. I got to make new friends right away (I went while pregnant after some pushing from a friend) and those new friends were right by my side when Buggy came a month early. Last year, while pregnant with Scrunch, I ended up on bed rest for 5 weeks with a toddler running around. These friends stepped up and I had 3 ladies every day for 5 weeks helping me at home. They cleaned my house, did my shopping, played with Buggy, and kept me company. Because of them, I went full term.

    I am now on leadership as out publicity director. It has been so exciting to see the group grow every meeting. It is SUCH a diverse group of women. I heart MOPS!

  6. 6
    Donna Perugini says:

    That's what I'm talking about! And you couldn't be a better person to testify to that! Thanks for the super comment.

    I hope the women see how useful MOPs is right from the person who needed it the most. What selfless people that helped you…not just one week, but 5 weeks!! Wow!

    If you're shy, go with a friend and see what it's like. You can always walk away with no attachments if you're not sure. Just give it a try!!

  7. 7
    Angie Vinez says:

    I joined a local MOPS group a year ago this month. Now, I'm on the steering team, and I have made some of the best friends in the world. I so look forward to our meetings every month. I honestly don't know what I'd do without these ladies.

    If you've been considering MOPS, or if you've never heard of them, you definitely need to give it a try. You might just leave there feeling refreshed and with a whole bunch of new friends who know exactly what you're going through!

  8. 8
    Donna Perugini says:

    An honor to have your comment on the blog posting.

    Ladies, you are hearing such great things about MOPs directly from the women who belong and even take it a step further by being in leadership to bring the others along! Angie has 5 children and one on the way…she knows what she's talking about!

  9. 9
    Cristine says:

    I would love to start something like this in our community church but would you assist a group in another country?

  10. 10
    Donna Perugini says:

    Go to the links in the posting and you'll find the answers to your questions. I believe they have an International branch for this organization too.

    Start with your church first and see if you like it. Once it's been going for awhile, then decide if you'd want it in the location of the other country.

  11. 11

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