Donna Perugini Children's Author

Heaven is for Real, NY Times Bestseller

There have been many people who tell us

       they were pronounced dead, or under anesthetic when they went to heaven.  Some have even told us they went to hell.  There’s even a doctor who has written and published a collection of NDE s (near death experience). I have met a man that was considered dead for 45 minutes who spoke at our church. 

What I took away from Rev. Dean Braxton’s story and Colton Burpo’s story was that they were living it as they told it.  Another interesting point was as people listened they formulated many questions.  Both Braxton and Burpo held question and answer sessions with their churches after speaking. People really want to know what they saw, how they felt, did they see so and so, were there animals there, do people recognize you, do we or don’t we have wings, what’s Jesus look like?  You get my drift.  It’s like you get a window into a place you’ve heard about, want to go to, but have no real point of reference outside of the bible. 

You read in the book about parents who love their children, and do what all parents do..the best they can.  After hearing about heaven from Rev. Braxton, I wanted to open the book and get right to the meat of it…heaven.  (Dean’s story was also amazing.)  In Heaven is for Real, you won’t find being in heaven mentioned until you’re more than half way through.  The book lays the foundation of the family, misdiagnosis, fear, and discovery over time.  I’m trying not to be a story killer here which is why it’s sounding so mysterious. 

Does Colton Burpo believe he went to heaven?  The whole premise of the Burpo’s book is to show you that the ‘telling’ comes from a 4 year old child.  He wasn’t prompted and it’s pointed out that he did not even have the vocabulary or understanding to communicate to his parents what he saw or experienced until he shows them what he means in his own way over time.  I even believe he went to heaven!  Before you say, “Donna drank the koolaid”, I dare you to read the book and come away without something taking place in you. 

The book is a quick read, $16.99 at bookstores and has been on the bestseller list for months. 

ISBN 978-0-8499-4615-8

A quote from the story on the back of the paperback book reads,

“Do you remember the hospital, Colton?”  Sonja said.  “Yes, Mommy, I remember,”  He said.  “That’s where the angels sang to me.” 

I have to tell you, folks, that everytime I have friends who are hospitalized or at the end of their life, they tell me they hear angels singing just before they go.  One close friend was describing the music of the angels to her husband just before she left this earth. 

Pick up the book through Amazon by clicking the cover icon.  Pass it around and have discussions with the ones you love.  Heaven is for Real!

How do you feel about near death experiences that you’ve hear about?  Have your children asked about heaven and meeting Jesus or Grandma and Grandpa there?

6 Responses to “Heaven is for Real, NY Times Bestseller”

  1. 1
    Kipp Bedford says:

    This is an interesting topic. So many people want to know what it is like but so few are prepared to get there.

    Are they looking for confirmation that heaven is real? Would they live their lives different based on this knowledge?

    Have the stories you’ve heard changed the way you live your life?
    Kipp Bedford recently posted..Just asking…My Profile

    • 1.1

      It hasn’t changed a thing in the way I live! I suspect it’s because I’m secure in my relationship with the Father (because of my accepting what Jesus did for me).

      How true it is that people want to know…and how true so few are prepared for leaving this life. Although, you never know when something like this book peaks a person’s curiosity and then they go looking for the truth. What peaked my curiosity was Jimmy Carter in office as President and he kept talking about being born again. I was not brought up with that terminology and kept asking around in our new church until someone told me. That was it…I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior…just because of the words, born again in the news due to President Carter.

  2. 2
    Connie Brown says:

    Yes, heaven is for real. Not that I’ve seen it. But I believe it.

  3. 3
    LisaAnn says:

    Thank you for all your fantastic help on my query letter! And I’m so glad you posted this; a friend of mine was JUST talking about this book, and I hadn’t had a chance to look it up yet. I’m not quite sure how I feel about Heaven quite yet, but I love reading stories about those who feel like they’ve experienced it, so I will definitely check this one out. Thanks again for ALL the help you have been giving me lately, I REALLY appreciate it! 🙂

    • 3.1

      You’re very welcome, LisaAnn. It was educational to see everyone’s comments on the ‘Gearin up to ge an agent’ blogfest. And you were really putting yourself out there to let everyone have a crack at your query.

      The book was given to me to read. I can see how this book would be a comfort to women who have lost a child. Give it a read and I guarantee you’ll find it interesting.

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