Donna Perugini Children's Author

Need a Landing Place?


What do you do in tough times?

Are you in the midst of a crisis? 


Do you have nowhere to go…don’t know what to do next? 

I was commenting on a blog posting that reminded me of the same questions I just posed to you. The posting brought out that there is somewhere to go…someone to ask who cares. This is something you may have heard before, and nodded in agreement. It’ s one thing to hear it, and another to live it. 

When the tough times hit…when the hurt is too deep to say a word, there really is a ‘landing place’ for us. Because we live in a fallen world, a world that is broken, you will have trouble. You might think what you’re experiencing right now is beyond what anyone else has ever experienced. There’s nothing new under the sun. Someone, somewhere at some time has experienced what you are right now…and survived. The one’s who leaned on someone greater than themselves made it. They found the ‘landing place’

This happened in my life more than once. One time it hurt so much I could hardly breath, but I’m here to say you can come out of whatever it is you’ve had happen in your life. Sometimes there will be a consequence to your actions, but there is someone who will stick closer than a brother and help you find a way out or through. 

While posting my comment on the other blog, I was reminded of one situation that I had written and dated next to specific scripture in my bible. What I wrote flooded back to me…not the memory of a terrible time in my life, but a memory of the goodness of God.  He did exactly what He said He would do and I’m here to testify of that.

“……He will always also provide the way out-the means of escape to a landing place-that you may be capable and strong and powerful patiently to bear up under it.”  I Corinthians 10: 13 (end)  Amplified Bible.

My trouble had me feeling like a bird beating its wings with nowhere to land. I was exhausted and felt I was going to fall to the ground in spite of my trying so hard.  But God provided a ‘landing place’ for rest and a new start. I had received stability. 

The key word there was I had ‘received’.  If you’re waiting for God to do something, you’ll be waiting forever. You see, He’s done everything and now leaves it up to you and me to receive from Him.  That’s called faith.  He’s already given….we receive. Yes, there will still be thoughts of failure and doom, but you can decide which thoughts you will think about. We know God doesn’t speak failure and doom. 

The Word of God says, “The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give life and life more abundantly.”  John 10:10 

You can pick what to think  on, so why not think on the Words He has just for us.  My Words from Him were I Corinthians 10:13 and I grabbed on to stay afloat! When the thoughts came, I’d think about what His Words for me were and then I’d speak them so I could hear them and encourage myself. I took Him at His Word and am here to tell about it!

I’m glad you stopped by and hope you reach out to Him and receive your answer by faith!

6 Responses to “Need a Landing Place?”

  1. 1

    Wow! What a beautiful, powerful message to share with all who may need it. I am safe and happy and whole thanks to my Lord and Savior.
    Linda Kinsman recently posted..Thanks WonderDads!My Profile

    • 1.1

      Thanks for stopping by, Linda. BTW, your last name reminds me of the book of Ruth where Boaz is called the ‘kinsman redeemer’ (a foreshadowing of Jesus, our Kinsman Redeemer). Great name!

  2. 2
    Luke says:

    First of all thanks for the post.

    Sometimes i feel like all my actions are pointless, especially when am struggling with myself to achieve my goals.

    I learned to deal with this over time.

    It not instant but i lay in the bed, and look how i already been there, and how i get out of that destructive feelings.

    Am just saying to myself “Hey I’ve been here before, couldn’t say i liked it. Why i am letting this to happen all over again ? I know what caused it – Hard situation.”

    Am not saying it the best solution, or the smartest. It just mine, and in time i learned to use it and it works for me.

  3. 3
    CK says:

    Beautiful post. Its good to distinguish these things of faith. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes and hearts a little to receive what the Lord offers.

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