Donna Perugini Children's Author

Kindergarten Means Childrens Garden


Kindergarten used to mean a place that young children should be taught according to their natural instincts, by stimulating and creating interest. It seems to have undergone a huge transformation to mean a place to get your child ready to be in first grade which is really now second grade, etc.  But I digress…

Friedrich Wilhelm August Forebel (1782-1852) put these ideas into practice in the world’s first kindergarten (which means children’s garden) in Blankenburg, Germany, 1837.  He started the Froebel teaching methods which was met with wide disapproval. 


Friedrich Wilhelm August Forebel

Mr. Froebel

was a German schoolmaster, but also a former forester.  He was not deterred by the nay-sayers (good lesson there) and was convinced that preschool education was essential. (Preschool being before entering elementary school).  He devoted his life to establishing kindergartens and training teachers for them. 

The kindergarten routine was pleasant surroundings, self-activity, the use of play, the study of nature, and the importance of the family. He wrote, “The Education of Man” in 1826 to give his views. 

When you send your child to kindergarten, you will now find them learning to write letters, read books, do math quizzes, use the computer and they are often sent home with homework.  Is Friedrich Froebel turning over in his grave?! 

Do you have one going to kindergarten for the first time?  Or have you already passed kindergarten? Leave a comment and tell us what we need to know about getting ready for kindergarten!

7 Responses to “Kindergarten Means Childrens Garden”

  1. 1
    CK says:

    Wow, I never knew this stuff about kindergarten. I did a lot of research on schools this summer before I picked one for my son. I really hope they have a lot of free time and play/explore experiences this year. I think they will. I taught preschool for a while in college and loved it.

    • 1.1

      You should be able to go and visit in your sons classroom to see what’s going on. Check with the school’s policy. I think the worst I’ve heard from numerous sources was there was homework for the child, due the next day. Maybe those children were in an ‘over-achiever’ school.

      Your son is going to love all his new friends and experiences!

  2. 2
    lindy says:

    I’ve had two go through kindergarten, and both times it was traumatic -for me! Lol. I had a hard time letting go, but they had so much fun that I eventually relaxed and came to terms with it. They learned how to write their name, the alphabet, basic counting, things like that-no homework. I probably would have had a fit if the school had tried that. In my opinion, kindergarten should be enjoyable, including not only academics, but also time spent dancing and singing and making friends.

    I have two more that will be attending kindergarten within the next few years, and now that I know how much they’ll love it, I find I’m looking forward to it.

    • 2.1

      When my last one went to kindergarten, I drove and told him I’d be there to pick him up after school. Well, horror of horrors, I forgot! I was out shopping, so I didn’t get a phone call but remembered 2 hours later. They told me he was sitting on the hillside by the parking lot yelling out, “Mom! Where are you!” All the way home he kept saying I’d forgotten him. Bad mommy!
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  3. 3
    Vanessa says:

    My youngest kid is in kindergarten. She loves going to school, and she especially love her teacher. One time she told me she wants to be a kindergarten teacher like her teacher. She really looks up on her teacher.


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