Donna Perugini Children's Author

October is Pastor Appreciation ALL Month Long

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Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor’s and Wives…Appreciate them!

Pastor Appreciation is all month long

We’re going into October and it’s been set aside as Pastor Appreciation Month.  What do you have in mind for your Pastor?  Might I also add, what do you have in mind for his wife also?  To often we think of the Pastor in singular terms when all along much of the church is pivoting on the Pastor’s wife!  I know our Pastor’s wife is pivotal in this ministry!

Your favorite Sunday meal

Have you thought about the countless hours Pastors spend preparing your ‘Sunday and weekday meals’?  For anyone who doesn’t know what the meals are….the preaching/teaching is the food that Pastors supply.  Pastors have a special place in the Body of Christ.  They have been entrusted with those who would be part of that ministry.  Often we see Pastors that take too much of the burden of the church.  Even Paul the apostle spoke of taking ‘the care of the church on himself and he associated that with being a problem. 

What Pastors are doing for you

Pastors and their wives are there to lead you, help and feed you.  They are ever praying and bringing you before the Lord and that’s where we read the scripture that talks about Pastors being able to give a good report on our lives.  Have you ever called waking them up for an emergency in your life?  Sometimes their work is solitary, praying for us without ceasing.  Have you brought personal problems to them for counsel in spiritual areas?  Yes, they’ve been there for us and this is the month put aside to recognize what they have meant to you. 

Do you know your Pastor’s Love Language?

Keep in mind all Pastors are individual in their tastes and desires.  Some would be happy with a financial gift from their members, but others would only desire to hear your thanks or read it in a card.  Do you know what their love language is? 

  1. Physical Touch  shake their hand, pat their back. Physical touch communicates you care.
  2. Words of Affirmation  verbal compliments, words of appreciation..simple and straightforward!
  3. Quality Time  undivided, individual attention given.
  4. Receiving Gifts  a symbol of your thoughts.
  5. Acts of Service  requires thought, planning, time, effort, and energy.

When you care about people, you find out how to bless them.  Take the time to make your gift personal.  Think of what would also bless the wife too.  Maybe all they would desire is help in the church.  Tell them in a card you’d like to volunteer for different departments in the church.  Churches always need people to help! 

You have one month to see what they’d really desire.  Don’t put it off….out of sight, out of mind! 

Do you have any special plans for your Pastors?  Do you know their love language?  Leave your ideas here by commenting!



  1. October is Pastor Appreciation Month « Donna Perugini Children's … | pastorleaders.com

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