Donna Perugini Children's Author

Tadpoles For Sale? How Enterprising

tadpoles wikipedia Remember finding pollywogs out in puddles or ponds?  You’d bring them home, put them in a large glass jar and watch them grow into pollywogs with arms and legs.  I never got to the frog category, or my mother was tired of the marshy water smell in my room.  Whatever happened, is still a mystery to me!  I suspect my mom. 

That brings me to this blog posting about a pollywog habitat thanks to Jennifer Rizzo. I never thought of selling my pollywogs and for $1.99 each!! But an enterprising water/garden business in Illinois has…probably many businesses of like mind have. In the posting it was stated that they were sold to someone who also put koi in the pond. Like they said, “It will hard explaining where Kermie went after running him over with the lawnmower”. 

We live close to what I call a beaver pond. The beaver dammed up the water higher up hill which caused a stagnant body of water downhill…perfect for the frogs. We can sit on our porch at night and hear the loud calls of grown up frogs now. There must be hundreds of thousands of them! But I digress.

According to the blog posting about pollywog’s habitats, you can put little plants in a shallow dish, but keep the roots exposed as pollywogs eat the roots. What? It seems my pollywog’s didn’t really like the bread crumbs or bugs I’d toss in the dish. Looks like mom didn’t do away with the whole mess after all. She probably found them belly up and it was the toilet or yard chosen for their final resting places.

Have you attempted to have a pollywog to frog habitat as a child or for your child? What other nature watches do you do with your children?


4 Responses to “Tadpoles For Sale? How Enterprising”

  1. 1

    My girls love walking to our pond, which must be filled with pollywogs if the singing of the frogs at night are any indication, but we’ve never caught any.

    Selling pollywogs would have never crossed my mind, but that is truly enterprising!

    We love to watch all the birds we have, all sorts of song birds and a golden hawk, a huge blue heron in the pond and occasionally geese and ducks will come frolic.

    The turkey and deer families are fun to watch too.
    Linda Kinsman recently posted..Assumptions & MistakesMy Profile

  2. 2
    Audra B says:

    Ok – I never would have thought of anything like that!
    Audra B recently posted..Glow Bug Cloth Diaper Review and Giveaway! {Fluffy Fannies Feature}My Profile

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