Donna Perugini Children's Author

A Pet Left in Cars Can Mean Death

miniature poodle

Keep them alive…don’t leave them in your car!

Penalties…. Pet Left in Cars

I’ve posted about children left in cars, but now you can expect good Samaritans and law enforcement to come after those with a pet in cars.  Fourteen states have increased their penalties for pets left in cars. No longer do people just walk by the car and shake their heads, but 911 is on speed dial for those spotting a pet left in cars in this heat.


Who Are the Violators?

People running errands are the most common offenders. The same seems to run true for parents leaving their children in cars. Homeless will also keep pets in cars. Sometimes people move into an apartment where they can’t have a pet, so they will keep it in a car. You really can’t call these crimes of malice as it more falls into convenience for the pet owners.

34 Degrees in 30 Minutes

Temperatures in cars can go up 34 degrees in 30 minutes…or about a minute a degree. That’s even on mild days!

As the Dogs Become Hot They:


  • Become anxious and pace becoming hotter
  • Drool, froth, vomit, defecate
  • Brain is affected causing stumbling and collapse
  • Lose consciousness and die


 Don’t Confront the Owner…..Call Police

Instead of confronting the pet owner, call police, a security guard or any other third party. California treats pet crimes like this as a crime scene with photos, evidence collected and paperwork to prosecute. Animal Control in LA even have a temp gun that can read the inside temp of the car from the outside. Police will soon be getting the gun to assist them in writing tickets or charging pet owners with a crime when they arrive too late.


Pets Can Die in Heat at Home Too!

Keep in mind that pets can also die in your backyard during heat waves. Leaving a dog tied up with no water, in full sun will insure it’s death. Be sure to check how the sun will hit your pet as it comes around during the day. Put a block of ice in the pet’s water to keep it cool. Pets prefer cooler water. If you find your pet unresponsive, get it wet and head to the Vet!

Washington State Law

Our state has just passed a law that allows police to break the car window to get to the pet. Ticketing will soon follow. You say you love your pet? Then have a heart and don’t leave them in your vehicle. You may get side tracked while shopping or paying for gas. Some places put out water for your dog. If it’s a gas station, yell through the open door and ask if you can bring your pet in on a leash while you pay.  Who knows…you may start a trend!

What’s your state law regarding a pet left in cars? Have you ever called about a pet in distress in a car? Leave your comment…share the article!

10 Responses to “A Pet Left in Cars Can Mean Death”

  1. 1
    Audra B says:

    Very important information. Thank you for sharing. We are at the start of another heat wave with highs in the triple digits.
    Audra B recently posted..Treasure HimMy Profile

  2. 2
    Born27 says:

    Hi Donna! I appreciate you always share such useful information. Thanks and i’m looking forward to read more from you.
    Born27 recently posted..Outbound conference callMy Profile

  3. 3
    veronica lee says:

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
    veronica lee recently posted..Diana Beltran HerreraMy Profile

  4. 4
    Molly Groman says:

    I have come across such cases where the pets have been locked inside a car and ultimately they have died inside! I think such people should be severely punished, If you cant manage a pet then don’t keep it!
    Molly Groman recently posted..Naturally big?My Profile

  5. 5
    Monica says:

    If you see a dog that has been left in a car on a warm day it probably isn’t a good idea to confront the owner of the animal that has been left in the car. You should take down the car’s color, model, make, and license plate number and have the owner paged in the store. You can also call local humane authorities, the police, or contact a security guard. If the car is in the parking lot of a store, a lot of times store managers are very helpful in locating the owner of the car or calling animal control. They usually don’t want a tragedy to happen in their parking lot. Have someone keep an eye on the dog and do not leave the car until the situation has been resolved.

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