Donna Perugini Children's Author

Before You Quit Children’s Ministry

quit children's ministry

Ever feel like quitting children’s ministry?

On yet another Sunday morning, I grumbled. Under-prepared and late again, I showed up to my “one Sunday a month” in children’s church.

She arrived with her dad; a small girl about four years old. Dad was unsure about leaving her there, he explained, because “she tends to be shy.” I nodded knowingly, having a child like that myself.

I, like many other women, complain about the “mandatory children’s ministry service because you have children” method of children’s workers recruitment. At least right now, when I feel like the last thing I want to do is give up the opportunity to just be in “big people’s church.”

I’ve kind of run the gamut of roles in children’s ministry. I’ve been the leader, and I’ve been more of an “as needed” support person, like I am now (not that I do a very good job of it!)

Not just another task

One thing that God keeps impressing upon me (even though I’ve been reluctant to receive it) is that my role is important! Whether I’m serving willingly or out of requirement, He continues to show me that it isn’t just another task.

Back to the little girl. I know that I was in the right place at the right time (you know, in His will), because I had something to offer that sweet little girl. I can’t say much for anything else that I was involved in that morning, but I know He used me to minister to her and her family. I was able to help her feel comfortable and adjust smoothly to the happenings of our church.

It was a special service that morning, and the children were to be led back to the main service at the end. When she was reunited with her parents, I saw her notice me, and point me out excitedly to her mom. Mom smiled and seemed relieved that she had a good time, and it was then that I knew God was teaching me a valuable lesson (like always).

Be available!

You may not “feel called” to children’s ministry. And maybe it’s not your ultimate gifting. That’s okay! But you can still be available to the Holy Spirit to minister to a young person and show them God’s love- even if you’re just filling in until someone can take your place. If your church has a children’s ministry, don’t just see it as another chore in the Body of Christ! You never know who you might impact just by being yourself and being available.

So, before you quit children’s ministry, reflect and let God remind you of times He has used you in special ways. How have you connected with a young person, or come up with just the right lesson, or even just blessed another volunteer by being their reinforcement?

Let’s have good attitudes and act like we believe ministering to children is important (I’m talking to myself too!)

Jesus said, β€œLet the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

If you have been weary of serving in children’s church in the past, share how you have overcome that feeling!


20131120_162432Becky is a wife of eight years and stay at home mom to three young children. She aspires to encourage women in Biblical truth on her blog, Happy Christian Home

5 Responses to “Before You Quit Children’s Ministry”

  1. 1

    I’ve been in children’s ministry for over 30 years and have to admit I’ve wanted to quit too! Charles Stanley gave a sermon one time about praying first and then used the acronym HALT.
    I found that if I don’t make any decisions at these low points. If I took a break…slept…ate and spent time with someone in my age category (away from the kids), I was refreshed. Instead of burning the candle at both ends with all the ‘stuff’ going on in my life, I was able to address those situations that were insurmountable in my mind. Thanks for the post, Becky!
    Donna Perugini recently posted..Before You Quit Children’s MinistryMy Profile

  2. 2
    Crisi says:

    Thank you for writing this post!!! I needed this.
    Crisi recently posted..Chocolate Covered Strawberry CakeMy Profile


  1. How to Quit Children's Ministry with Dignity - Donna Perugini Children's Author Donna Perugini Children's Author

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