Donna Perugini Children's Author

People! We Are Under Siege!


People, we are under siege! 


Christmas officially began in August...Halloween managed to get a week’s head start on Christmas and Thanksgiving turkeys have been out now for a while.  Cranberries are in and Christmas trees (artificial) are for sale.
I made it through my favorite store, Costco in September until I saw ‘the seed that wanted to be planted’ in my thought life.  Costco brings out a baklava every Christmas season.  Can you believe the name brand is Sinbad?  Yeh, that’s right…it’s named exactly for what it causes you to do….SIN BAD! 


I made it out of the store in September, but when I was falling into the Christmas festivities at Costco in October, before Halloween, I saw the baklava again.  No, actually, I found myself walking the aisles until I ‘just happened to come upon it’SIN BAD lived up to its name.  It came home with me and I ate two of the real butter, honey drenched pieces as soon as I was in the house.  Then I ate two more later. 

Now I’m considering putting it in the mailbox for the postal people, or leaving it on top of the garbage can wrapped nicely for the garbage man.   Must….put down…..the……baklava…..

How about you?  Been planting any ‘food lust’ seeds lately?  Leave your thoughts to help get us through the holidays!!

Children Are FUNNY! Share The Humor

Art Linkletter interviews a child


Children are FUNNY!


Did you love Art Linkletter when he had the show, “Kids Say the Darnedest Things“? I loved watching, anticipating the sure to be blurted out info the kids gave about everyone and anything.

My brother sends me things children say that reminds me of that show. Here’s a few of my favorites:

An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into heaven?”  The boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says,  “For heaven’s sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!”

A little girl asked her mother, “Can I go outside and play with the boys?”  Her mother replied, “No you can’t play with the boys, they’re too rough.”  The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked, “If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?”

When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, “I’m not sure.”   “Look in your underwear, Grandma,” he advised.  “Mine says I’m four to six.”

A nursery school teacher was delivering a station wagon full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past.  Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog.  The children started discussing the dog’s duties.  “They use him to keep crowds back,” said the one youngster.  “No,” said another, “He’s just for good luck.”  A third child brought the argument to a close.  “They use the dogs”, she said firmly, “to find the fire hydrant.”


I love their innocence and logic.  They are so literal! 

Do you remember anything your children have said that is funny?  Or do you have any embarrassing things they said in company?  We’d like to know!!

Children and Their Pet’s Death

Moose our purebred Collie needed to be put down



Going Through Life Choices With Your Pets

A beloved family dog has reached a point in its life when living would be too painful for the animal.  What should you do?  The children are growing up with the pet and you’ve come to love them as part of your family.  You begin to think you should never have taken a dog into your family…too much pain for all of you.  Life is full of change…and change we will.  Leaving this world is inevitable, no one gets out alive.  This ‘time of change’ can be a preliminary step to your children understanding the ‘life process’. 

Someone writes on Facebook that they will need to ‘put down’ their dog.  Their children will miss him terribly. 


Suggestions to Help with Putting Your Pet Down and Remembering Them

 They asked for suggestions :

“Such a sad thing. Can you get photos of each child with the dog..hugging, loving on it before tomorrow?  Can you put the dog’s paw into clay to save its print before you put it down?

Cut a piece of the dog’s fur to keep; put it with a picture of the dog.

Make a small booklet of fun you had with the dog with the pictures, it’s fur and dog tags.

Then have your children draw pictures for the booklet and write a wonderful thing they remember about the dog.

Give the children a few days before starting this if necessary.  Let them grieve and don’t be surprised when it comes in waves of tears.  Cry together with your arms around them.

You might even want to do a short video of them writing, coloring and talking about things they remember about the dog.  Have cookies out for them to enjoy while doing this. One of them may want to take over the book and keep writing in it. It would be a well loved memory for years to come.”


My Personal Feelings About Pets Were Contradictory

I personally do not like going through the loss of pets….does anyone?  I’ve tried being detached from them to no avail. They give so much and require so little in return.  We adopted a kitten to grow up and be a mouser at our home.  I told a friend, “I don’t want a relationship, just a mouser.”  The cat is still with us….an intertwined in our lives.  Do I regret that I now have a ‘cat friend’ and not just a mouser?  No, she’s made our lives richer.  How will I handle her leaving this life?  I’ll grieve, remember, talk about her, look at photos and be glad we built our life her. 

Talking with others, through their grief came a question familiar to those who have lost a special pet: Should they get another pet? And when?

“It is healthy to have a transition period. In grieving, we’re taking time to honor the pet we lost. Grief is so miserable,” a veterinarian told me.


What About Your Next Pet

Zoe, similar coloring but a Collie/Border Collie cross.

When you get your next pet, give them their own name and not the name of the deceased pet.  Are you trying to replace the pet with one that looks, sounds and behaves the same way?  It won’t work.  Each animal has its own personality.  You can pick the same dog breed and somewhat expect that breeds behavior traits, but they’ll never be the same as your last pet.  Let the new pet surprise you with their unique personality and a new relationship. 

We now have Zoe, a Collie/Border Collie cross.  What a difference in personality!  The first year was the most difficult and we almost gave up on her.  Once we were past the first year of  ’emotional immaturity’ in a Border Collie and two obedience classes later we have a smart responsive dog. 


A Serious Recommendation!!

I highly recommend obedience classes where you learn to communicate with your dog.  I’d never done it before…man, what I was missing!!

Any more suggestions regarding the loss of a pet or the search for a new pet? 


The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie trailer

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Little Lucy has grown so much in this movie. She’s fast becoming a young woman.

The same beautiful effects are in this movie…plus it’s 3 D.

Break out your copy of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and read it to your children every night. You’ll be promoting literacy and planting a desire in your children to read the complete set of the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. 
Now that’s the real gift!

Opens in December 2010…what a Christmas Gift!!


The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To….


I’ve been awarded


the Versatile Blogger Award by Nan

Nan is a loving wife to David Bennett and mother to Lebua (age 3) in Thailand..Nan’s blog is My Baby and I-I 

The rules are as follows: 

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2. Share seven things about yourself.

3. Pass this award along to five bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!

4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

Thank you, Nan!  I’ve been following Nan for a while now.  I love reading about her culture, daughter who eats bugs and husband who she loves very much.  Nan has had quite a few accidents in traffic where she lives.  I keep her in my prayers 🙂

Seven things about me;

1)   I’m wife to an east coast Italian (lots of hand waving with a loud voice), mom to three, grandmother to four fabulous grandchildren.

2)   I have authored four Christian children’s books being re-issued this summer.  (Go to my blog with free coloring pages for downloading). Book purchases can be made by clicking here

3)   I’m also a potter/sculptor and you can see my ceramics at http://www.donnakperugini.com/.

4)   I’ll be having giveaways when the books are ready that will include ceramic character pins, hand thrown and painted children’s dishes, and my books.

5)   We live in the Pacific NW near the Canadian border. I’m surrounded by forest, mountains and 20 minutes to the ocean.

6)   I’m in Women’s Ministry and use my pottery wheel while throwing pots on it to teach about God’s interest (as the Potter) in us, the clay. 

7)   I’m like every blogger I know…we all love to get comments on our blog postings!

Now to pass on the award………….

           Carrie Kimmel and her sister Becka  at http://www.madebybedtimetales/

           Michelle Breum at http://beginningreadinghelp.blogspot.com/

           Angie Vinez at http://www.5vinezmonkeys.com/

           Jennifer McKinney at http://mycharmingkids.net/
           Red at http://theredheadriter.blogspot.com/

Thank you to all my blogging friends.  Some of those picked may have received previous awards, but know that this award….this time… is from someone who believes in you!



Have the e-Trade baby talk for you! Use this link

E-Trade Baby Link Has Been Lost

Sorry, all of you who loved to play with the link below.  The link has been taken down and you can no longer have the e-Trade baby speak using your voice and your words.  I’d love to see the company bring that hipster baby back again!

Remember the baby that talks for the e-Trade commercials?  I love it, so here’s something associated with ‘the babies’ that you can use to amaze your friends, grandparents, etc.  http://www.etradebabymail.com/?mId=35113558.3

Not only can you put in exactly what the baby will say, you can use a boy or girl voice.  You can also post a photo of your own baby, have the baby speak into a microphone and record their own ‘personal’ message for the grandparents.  You’ll have 150 characters max, by phone, by mic or use their voice.

Use it like an e-card with your personal message, or use it as a challenge to friends.  It’s a riot!  Send one to yourself and see how it turns out before sending it to friends.  See if you like it too.

Leave me a comment if you get any use out of it.  Grab those babies of yours and turn out some masterpieces to share!

Tim Tebow’s ad @ the Super Bowl

I don’t usually watch the Super Bowl, but I do look for the commercials. The hype is always out there before they are aired, turning short expensive commercials into shorter commercial trailers.

This year a controversial stunner is released with the Tim Tebow 30 second Super Ad. Last night the trailer was shown of Tebow in action with a scripture reference, Hebrews 12: 1-2, across the eye black (on his cheeks). The group, NOW, is already ‘throwing rocks’ at the Tebow’s choice, calling on CBS to scrap plans to show the ad. NOW calls the ad ‘inappropriate’.

Pam Tebow’s choice began in 1987 when she was pregnant while on a missions trip in the Phillipines. She contracted a tropical sickness which caused her Doctors to recommend aborting the baby due to a dangerous pregnancy. Pam’s choice was life…. for the baby. Tim Tebow, the 2007 Heisman Trophy winner, is the result of her choice.

The mother and son want to share with the world how that choice celebrates life. Does NOW really believe in choice or just abortion?