Donna Perugini Children's Author

Lack Confidence? It’s Promotion Day!


The Flight of Orville Wright Caterpillar by Donna Perugini

1st book in the ‘Orville Series’ The Flight of Orville Wright Caterpillar by Donna Perugini

Let me tell you about confidence!

As I was growing up, I seriously lacked confidence.  When I wanted a cookie from my grandmother, I’d send my little sister to ask for me.  If people called on me to speak, I’d wish I had a paper bag over my head!

Having no college education and being a stay at home mom kept me away from people. When my husband’s job took us to Ann Arbor, Michigan, the lack of confidence was overwhelming me. My favorite saying was, “Unless you say you’re a brain surgeon in this town, you won’t be accepted as worthwhile by anyone.” It was pretty close to the truth as education ruled and reigned. Ann Arbor had the University of Michigan which caused a huge influx of educated people everywhere.

I Want to Write Children’s Books

I was pregnant with my third child in Ann Arbor when I became a Christian and really came alive to God! I remember standing at a party talking with someone and instead of giving my favorite quote, I responded to their question, “What do you want to do in the future?” with, “I want to write children’s books“. When I said that, I knew it came from a ‘different place’ inside me. It was just a few years later that it came to pass.

Writing For Children..How Did I Get There

I wrote stories for the Children’s Church classes I taught. Whether there were 4 or 14 children there, I still wanted to give them the best I had. One story in particular stood out and I was encouraged to send it to a publisher. Did I still have no confidence? It had been growing since becoming saved. (For an in depth writing about being published, read my previous blog post, Dream Big..Step Forward). I was seeing that I could have confidence in God’s abilities, not just mine. Even if someone had the best education and people looking up to them with admiration, God is the One Who promotes. He’s the One Who directs my path. He thinks I’m fabulous! How many people have you ever heard of that did not query once before submitting a manuscript that was accepted for publishing? How many people do you know that had someone like Joyce Meyer use their book (Don’t Hug a Grudge), in total, for their teaching?  (Bitterness, Resentment and Unforgiveness by Joyce Meyer)   It wasn’t a knowledge of manuscripts or querying that got me there. It wasn’t my credentials regarding writing abilities.

In God We Trust?

Now let me brag up on God! He put those books out through me to advance His Word. It’s His Word that changes lives, that brings completion to people and confidence to a ‘no confidence’ girl. I just played a part by putting one foot in front of the other, trusting in Him,relying on, and adhering to a good God that does not let you down or cast you aside. Education and background are good, but not the ‘end all’. We all have challenges, but God is not surprised by them. He’s got a plan for everything and it’s a plan for good, not for evil. I’m so glad He found me first and then I found Him! This is called ‘encouraging myself in the Lord’. It’s all about ‘my’ response to Him. Do I trust Him, or rely on me? Do I say I trust Him and then go out and push for my own agenda? Always go back to your ‘first Love’.

Confidence in Who Not What

Am I confident now? I’m confident in Him, relying on Him and leaning not to my own understanding. I’m leaning on Him as He makes my path straight!  Do I get queasy when I have to fill in an education background form?  Sure, but I choose to respond to Him and not the wrong thoughts pushing to gain a foothold.  

If you’re feeling like you can’t ‘do’ anything of value or consequence in this world, then you haven’t found or noticed His plan for you. He has already made you valuable and a blessing to this world. What’s important now is your response to Him….

Do you have feelings of no confidence? What have you done about them? Can you honestly say you believe He is directing your path? Love your comments!

Find my books in Donna’s Book Store

2 Responses to “Lack Confidence? It’s Promotion Day!”

  1. 1

    Lack Confidence? It’s Promotion Day! by Donna Perugini

    Bonnie Bennett said 3 weeks ago:

    Hi Donna just sat down with a cup of coffee in hand to check FB and here you was . You always have so much encouragement for me . I needed to hear what you had to say about cofidence . I can honestly say at times . Im not sure what GODs plan is for my life .I know Im a wife a Mother a Grandmother and GOD uses me at my work But there fills like there is more . And it seems like in the past when we step out to do what we fill we need to do we fail at it . And you get tired of failing .So you sit and do nothing .and thats not good . thank you for your encouragement today . I look forward to seeing what you have to share Because its always so right on for my life . Thats our FATHER right ? Thank You I know I need to just sit at HIS feet and seek him for the Plan . and obey . GOD Bless you . Oh and I do miss praying with you ..

    You said 3 weeks ago:

    Hi, Bonnie, I’m so glad you stopped by my blog. Following God’s leading is a ‘process’. We may fail as we go along, but we can still get up. Every step you take is by faith and the Word says He will direct your paths. The clincher is, “lean not to your own understanding”. Learning the difference between the two is ‘the process’. Be happy in what you’re doing now. Reach the people He’s put in your path. There is no condemnation for any failure. If you’re feeling condemned by yourself or others, remember it’s just ‘feelings’. By renewing your mind (where your feelings are), you will be able to overcome your emotions and turn them to how God feels about you. He sees you Spirit to spirit. He doesn’t hold your behavior against you, but He will work with you on your behavior, your emotions, feelings, and your will. He not only puts His power in you but He also gives you the desire to change. What a good God. To Him you are FABULOUS…He sees you the same way He sees His Son, Jesus!

    DonnaPerugini recently posted..Kindergarten Means Childrens GardenMy Profile

  2. 2

    Anita Atwood said 1 week ago:

    Wow!! I like your response to Bonnie, it encourages me also. Reading your response helps me to slow down, and to RELAX. Your writings convey the REST our Abba Father desires us to enter into. Thanks alot Donna for your blog!

    DonnaPerugini recently posted..Kindergarten Means Childrens GardenMy Profile

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