Donna Perugini Children's Author

Your Child Has a Fever…Now What?


Your child has a fever….now what?


Your Child has a Fever…Now What?  

Fevers are a symptom the body is fighting an infection.  In most cases it runs a few days as the illness runs its course.  (Prayer for your child’s fever is below.)

    • Encourage liquids for your child
    • Suck on ice chips
    • Or Popsicles



What if  Your Child has a Fever Over 100.5 Degrees F? 

Doctors recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) to help your child feel better.  Stay away from aspirin as it is associated with Reyes Syndrome.

How Do I Know if Something More Serious is Going On?

Infants 3 months or younger…any fever is considered dangerous.  Let a doctor evaluate this.

Older children…look at other symptoms beyond the degree of fever.

  • is your child sleepy
  • is the fever continuing more than a few days
  • is your child having trouble breathing
  • is there  joint pain
  • Does your child look very sick, with bad color (pale or flushed), sweating or limpness

This could signal a more serious illness.  Call your doctor to help you see if more care is needed for your child.

What I Did Personally for My Sick Child

What I personally did was hold and pray for my children that had a fever. Do you remember when Jesus rebuked Peter’s mother-in-laws fever? Did I give them acetaminophen too? What ever it took and then some, but prayer and holding my child for sure!  Sometimes I’d throw in reading a book.

Why I Pray Like This…and a Prayer For Your Child

People have been searching online finding my posting about FEVERS to find a prayer for the child with a fever. In the bible, Jesus ‘rebuked’ the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law and she was healed. I would say we should follow Jesus’ example and rebuke the fever, then believe for healing the underlying cause of the fever in your child.

Your Child has a Fever…Now What? Prayer For the Sick Child 

An example would be: “Fever, I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus. Father God, I thank you that healing is for all your children who would receive from You by faith. I receive my child’s healing of what caused the fever and thank You for this now. I will continue to thank You, Father God, because I have received now by faith for my child.”

I also believe in using doctors. If you child needs a doctor, then go to one. They will help your child. They cannot heal them, but they can help them. Don’t count doctors out thinking that you’re not in faith if you see the doctor. You can see the doctor and still believe that Jesus is the Healer of your child, continuing to thank the Father for your child’s healing.


** Leave your child’s name as a comment on this blog and I’ll see it and pray with you for your child.  “The prayer of a righteous man (and woman) avails much.”  You may want to read the comments and my response to them.  You can learn see how other parents received prayer, encouragement and healing for their child.  


14 Responses to “Your Child Has a Fever…Now What?”

  1. 1
    Luke says:

    Well i had high fever myself lately and only 3rd day i realized it was caused by eye infection.

    Also it was way higher in the evening.

    Eye infection passed, and fever was gone.

    Here in Europe we use “Tachipirina” – it the most prescribed medicine both for adults and youngsters to lower the fever.It is based on paracetamol.

    • 1.1

      I have never heard of those medicines. Temperatures always seem to get higher in the evening which can be quite frightening for young mothers. Was the medicines you mentioned for the eye…like an ointment or eye drops?

      • 1.1.1
        Luke says:

        Nope i had a heavy eye infection that caused fever, chest pain and strep throat (not sure if that the correct medical term, but every time i was swallowing it was causing serious pain)

        Tachipirina (i said in Europe. but i should rather say in Italy) is used to lower the temperature. I was using it while curing the eye infection with eye drops.

  2. 2
    Maggie says:

    Good tips here. I did not know about the dangers of Aspirin so I will remember that. How would you feed Tylenol to a baby? My first child arrives in 7 months!!!

    • 2.1

      Hi, Maggie,
      Tylenol comes in dropper form for babies and toddlers. Congratulations on having a baby! This sounds weird, but start reading picture books to your baby inutero now. By the time baby is born, baby will respond to you telling the story. I used to sing one particular song to my last son and he knew it immediately when I’d sing it to comfort him. The song would stop his fussing.

  3. 3
    Audra says:

    I hate when my kids are sick! Even though I know they are usually just fighting a common bug, I worry so much. I’ve stopped using name brand medicines after the months and months of recalls (specifically tylenol products). The store brands work just as well.

    Ibuprofen has been our friend around here. Just this summer, actually at my brother’s wedding reception, Scrunchie got sick (12 months old) with a fever. He had a fever of 102 for three days. Ibuprofen brought it down a bit, but not completely. After 3 days, it just went away. Strange! I love that doctors are just a phone call away and many times are happy to answer questions over the phone rather than schedule an appointment.
    Audra recently posted..Bloggy Basics: Go MobileMy Profile

  4. 4

    ****Prayer For the Sick Child with a Fever****

    People have been searching my posting about FEVERS to find a ‘prayer’ for the child with a fever.

    In the bible, Jesus ‘rebuked’ the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law and she was healed. I would say we should follow what Jesus’ example and rebuke the fever, then believe for healing the underlying cause of the fever in your child.

    An example would be: “Fever, I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus. Father God, I thank you that healing is for all your children who would receive from You by faith. I receive my child’s healing of what caused the fever and thank You for this now. I will continue to thank You, Father God, because I have received by faith for my child.”

    I hope this helps those of you looking for what to pray for your child.

    I also believe in doctors. If you child needs a doctor, then go to one. They will help your child. They cannot heal, but they can help. Don’t count them out thinking that you’re not in faith if you see the doctor. You can see the doctor and still believe that Jesus is the Healer of your child, continuing to thank the Father for your child’s healing.

    Donna Perugini (author of this blog posting)

  5. 5
    Amy Pugh says:

    Please pray for my son Anthony Pugh. He has had a high fever for 5 or 6 days and hasn’t eaten for a week. We’ve been the hospital for 5 days now.

    • 5.1

      I’m praying for your son, Anthony. “The prayer of a righteous man (or woman) availeth much”. When you’ve asked Jesus to be your Savior, you have authority over the spirit realm that was given to you by Jesus. If you have not asked Jesus to be your Savior, pray the prayer here now. You are Anthony’s parent and you have the authority to lay hands on him and pray. Tell the sickness attacking him to go and talk to his body and tell it to be healed according to I Peter 2:24 Pray for the doctors to have wisdom from God to know exactly what to do. Then thank God. Don’t give up…faith believes it receives the answer even before it’s really seen. Donna

  6. 6
    Ashley B says:

    Please pray for my daughter Amaiyah she’s been fighting a fever all night and is quite miserable, I’m praying she will get some rest for the night and we will see a dr first thing in the morning. Thank you!

  7. 7
    Modesta M.S says:

    pray for my son Mikio he is 4 mo. Just got his immunization shots today he has had a fever off and on this evening he is not feeling well but still tries to keep a smile on his face. I thank God for watching over him since we came home from the hospital when he was born that he has not got sick on me besides today for his shots. Mikio was born a little early at 37 weeks by c-section due to gestational diabetes during my pregnancy he had to stay 5 days longer in nicu he had fluid in his lungs so he had rapid breathing. I prayed and prayed for my baby to get well so we can take him home. With the Lord’s prayer and all the prayers from loved one’s he was doing so well. I thank the Lord everyday my baby wakes up in the morning stronger and stronger👩‍👦🙏
    Modesta M.S recently posted..3 Reasons I’m Saying No to the Summer Reading ProgramMy Profile

    • 7.1

      First, let’s rebuke the enemy. In the Name of Jesus, I command the enemy that has come against Mikio and you since Mikio was in your womb. We rebuke you, demonic influence, in Jesus’ Name. You have come against a mother who walks in love and stands against you, and we are commanding you to be relieved of your assignment against Modesta and Mikio. Fever, you must bow your knee to that Name above all names. The Word of God says, “Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee.” I speak life to Modesta’s body and Mikio’s body. I speak the healing power of Jesus Christ to flow through their bodies and heal them now. I command that healing to manifest now, in Jesus’ Name. The Word says, “He sent His Word and healed them of all their diseases.” We receive that now and thank you, Jesus for taking our sickness and disease on Your body at the cross for us. We call Modesta’s and Mikio’s healing complete and will continue to thank you, Father God. Each day we will thank you for your mercy and goodness for You are a good God and care for Your children. It is Your good pleasure to heal those who receive by faith and stand firm in Your Word.
      Modesta, receive that healing power for both you and Mikio and thank the Father for His healing power, and His love sent to you today. Don’t let any contradictory situations draw your attention away from thanking God every day. For God’s Word is His promises to you, and He always keeps His promises that you receive by faith, speak out and thank Him for.
      Thank you for calling on me to pray with and for you and Mikio today,

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