Donna Perugini Children's Author

Can You be a Mom Even if You Didn’t Have a Child?

Mother's Day 2011 bouquet delivered today!

To all the women in this world; Mother’s Day is for you.

You’re a ‘mother’ to many as a friend, an aunt, a big sister, and mentor. When you’re in church tomorrow and they ask for all the mothers to stand up…stand up and let everyone see that you’re filling that role in other ways too.

Who is helping the mother raise the little ones that seem to overwhelm her at times…you the Aunt!

How about the orphan that you’ve cared for as a missionary. That child has looked to you as a mother while they grow up in the orphanage.

There’s the woman in the Big Sister program who steps in and fills a void in the little girls life. You may be called a Big Sister, but you know you’re filling a need for her as a mother in many ways.

If you’re a woman, you’re ‘mother material’?

I’ve always felt that women are mothers no matter if they have or have not had children, they still fill a role in this world toward the young.

This posting is for you women who go unrecognized as ‘the mother’ that a child didn’t have. You were never married and never had children, yet you were a mother when there was none in the children’s lives.

Remember who helped you ‘mother’

To the women who have had children and those mentioned above stepped in when you needed them; remember them as your extended family. Let them know you appreciate their help, love and prayers as they filled in ‘the mother role’ when you were desperate.

What’s the pre-requisite for being a mother?The pre-requisite for being a mother is more than giving birth. Being a mother is about caring for the young, helping when you see a need and stepping up when a child is lacking the ‘mothering factor’. We don’t ‘take over’ another mother’s position, but we help, support, pray and give of ourselves when we are asked and compelled by the love of God in us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of us women!

Mike loves his Mom! Mother's Day 2011

Would you like to ‘recognize’ a woman who made an impact in your life?  Leave her name here and we’ll all recognize her with you!

4 Responses to “Can You be a Mom Even if You Didn’t Have a Child?”

  1. 1

    Donna, this is so true.

    It’s so hard (if you’re struggling with infertility) to feel confident taking a stand as a mother when you don’t have a child of your own. I wish more pastor’s and leaders would recognize these roles too and set aside a part of service for acknowledging all of the spiritual mothers and mothers who do not have any living children due to miscarriage and infant loss. Mother’s Day can be such a terribly hard time for women struggling with infertility.

    I personally have a spiritual mother who helped me through my infertility journey. She herself, is living child free after years of struggling with infertility. She was such a help and comfort to me and many women like me.
    Jenn @ Coolest Family on the Block recently posted..My Mother’s Day GiftMy Profile

    • 1.1

      I’m sure you sent her a card or called her many times after all your years of struggling.

      Every year I hear the same thing…‘will every woman who is a mother stand up and be recognized.’ It’s really time to bring an awareness to people what mother-ing is and what makes a mother.

      Your thoughts on the infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss are another facet of this issue. I’m sure the woman who came up with the Mother’s Day idea had the best of intentions but never considered the flip side of this coin.

  2. 2

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving encouragement! I really appreciate it! Best wishes always!
    Brook (Matt5verse6) recently posted..Two Peoples from Within You Shall be DividedMy Profile

    • 2.1

      Your posting on how you hooked up a mic to your radio to preach the gospel was ‘golden’! You have a heart to reach people with the Word and I support and appreciate that.

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